
Posts Tagged ‘Operation Mockingbird’

Charles Hugh Smith explains:

A massive outbreak of economic cognitive dissonance is being suppressed with wave after wave of manufactured “good news.” Every visibly negative bit of data is run through a media and Central State assembly line to refashion it as “good news” and “evidence” that the “nascent recovery is taking hold.” Whatever cannot be rejiggered is simply buried or suppressed.

The fact that five corporations control the the vast majority of the U.S. mainstream media certainly aids that manufacturing process.

I notice this daily. I can’t figure out why anyone believes the MSM anymore.

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Mockingbird rag ABC “reports” it as follows:

The Jefferson County coroner determined that Major Bashinsky, a 63-year-old lawyer from Mountain Brook, Ala., had loosely bound his hands and taped his mouth shut, before wading into a pond at the Highland Park Golf Course in Brimingham and shooting himself in the head last month.

Why is the coroner, a government employee, going to such absurd lengths to cover this up?

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Kurt Nimmo reports:

Lewd references to Eric Massa and 24/7 coverage of mindless bread and circuses covered by the corporate media are no mistake. By the early 1950s, the CIA owned the corporate media and used it to promulgate propaganda.

Former Wall Street lawyer Frank Wisner created Operation Mockingbird in 1948 and recruited Philip Graham of the Washington Post to run the project. Mockingbird eventually controlled news reported by the New York Times, Newsweek, the New York Herald Tribune, Time Magazine, and hundreds of other newspapers and magazines in the United States and around the world.

By the 1950s, according to Alex Constantine (Mockingbird: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA), “some 3,000 salaried and contract CIA employees were eventually engaged in propaganda efforts.” Wisner was also able to restrict newspapers from reporting about certain events. For example, the CIA plots to overthrow the governments of Iran and Guatemala.

Want to do something about it? Turn off the boob tube and cancel all your “mainstream media” subscriptions.

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