
Posts Tagged ‘Geithner’

Only one reporter had the balls to challenge the banksters and his name was Mark Pittman. He mysteriously died at the age of 52 after winning a Federal Court case against government secrecy.

Twenty months after the Federal Court’s ruling, Geithner mocks the judge and the rule of law by providing basically nothing:

They were so heavily redacted that most of what’s left are everyday messages such as “Did you just try to call me?” and “Monday will be a busy day!”
 None of the documents answers Pittman’s request for “records sufficient to show the names of the relevant securities” or the dates and terms of the guarantees.

This is all happening under the Obama regime, the one that campaigned on more transparency and “open government”.

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Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts writes:

Treasury Secretary Geithner is another economic incompetent. He told China that he stood for a “strong dollar,” but that China should let its currency appreciate relative to the dollar, which, of course, would mean a weaker dollar. He simultaneously told China that their investments in US Treasury bonds were safe.

His Chinese university audience, being economically literate, laughed at Geithner.

It apparently did not dawn on the US Treasury Secretary that if Chinese money is rising in value relative to the US dollar, the value of Chinese investments in dollar-denominated US Treasury bonds is falling.

Is it a requirement to be completely oblivious to basic economics to be Treasury Secretary these days?

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Edmund Conway reports:

Speaking at Peking University, Mr Geithner said: “Chinese assets are very safe.”

The comment provoked loud laughter from the audience of students.

They should have thrown shoes at the evil bastard.

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